Focustsoul Writings

Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: Q is for Question

Q is for Question. As we mature in Christlikeness, we ask different questions and expect different answers or maybe no answers at all. The questions move us to sit with God and be with him. This is a sign of a growing awareness and acceptance of mystery and ambiguity in life.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: P is for Party & Power

P is for Party & Power. Growing in Christlikeness means enjoying life. Celebration becomes a significant part of life. We become the kind of people who celebrate. And we learn how to diffuse and multiply power.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: N is for Narrative

N is for Narrative. As humans we live in stories, narratives in our heads that guide how we interpret and engage with the world. Our mental models come from these narratives. One sign of maturing in Christ is a growing awareness of these narratives and more and more aligning them with the Biblical narrative.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: M is for Mental Models

M is for Mental Models. One sign of growing maturity is awareness of our mental models or the lenses through which we see the world. Recognizing our filters, moving towards alignment with the Bible/Truth, and creating systems within our community to do this is vital for healthy, loving growth.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: L is for Listen

L is for listen. As humans we feel loved when someone deeply listens to us, but most of us don’t have that someone. We can become good listeners which includes both skills and mindset and is a sign of maturity. God calls us to love in this way and will empower us as we make space to encounter him.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: K is for Kindle +

K is for Kindle and lots of other wonderful words like kingdom, known, knowledge, key, kin, and knackered. Paul encourages Timothy to kindle afresh his spiritual gift and the call continues to each of us as we step out in faith and grow in Christlikeness.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: J is for Joy in the Journey

J is for Joy in the Journey. The spiritual life is a journey in its process but more like an awakening than an accomplishment because the goal is Jesus, and we are already with him. It also is not something we do alone but we need community which can be hard but opens the door for true joy.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: I is for Interior

I is for Interior. God invites us on an interior journey towards health and freedom so that we can be our true selves in Jesus and love him and others by his grace. This journey can be scary but is so worth it.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: H is for Holding

H is for Holding. Holding and being held in suffering is vital for comfort and health and a sign of maturity. Also, standing before God with open hands, not holding to things unless God wants us to, needs to be normal for us.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: F is for Finite

F is for Finite. Our limits are a gift, but the world tells us to keep going, never stop. Allowing God to be infinite and enjoying the gift of his rest is an inviting path but making space for God to guide us into it is a challenge we need to face together.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: E is for Enemy

E is for Enemy. Growing in Christlikeness means becoming the kind of people who love our enemies. It also means knowing who our true enemy is and becoming adept with the weapons of spiritual warfare.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: E is for Evangelism

E is for Evangelism. As believers we are all called to be witnesses. For many, evangelism is scary. We can feel like cowards and question our own love for God. Instead, in a place of grace, let’s see God use evangelism to grow us in Christlikeness. If you aren’t sharing your faith, don’t learn techniques, fall more in love with Jesus.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

A Christmas Blessing

During this season of celebration may you receive this blessing and may the year ahead find you intimately connecting with Jesus and his people.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: A is for Attachment

A is for Attachment and your formation in Christ will be built on the security of your attachments so seek to understand this concept and then strengthen your attachment to God and your neighbor. This is the path to loving your enemies.

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