A Christmas Blessing

Christmas is a season, not a day

Historically, the church knew that celebrating the beginning of the incarnation needed more than just a day which is why Christmas is a 12-day season. In that light, I am postig this blessing with the hope that you will continue celebrating and even after January 5th may you know how much God loves and delights in you.

Thus, please receive this meditation and blessing and pass it on to all who need to hear it…

The veil between the infinite and the finite is quite thin, but we rarely perceive it. God is always present, but we do not have eyes to see most of the time. The birth of Jesus was one of those times in history when the veil was pulled back and heaven touched earth. The angel visits, the dreams and visions, the "multitude of heavenly hosts praising God and singing", and ultimately the baby in the manger, the author of life, being worshipped.

As we celebrate another Christmas, may this be a season for you in which the veil is removed, and you see God. May you encounter Him this Christmas afresh and be transformed. May you be filled with joy and love. May you gladly accept God's invitation and experience His delight in you.

“Glory to God in the highest heaven,

and peace on earth to people he favors!”

Luke 2:14


ABCs of Spiritual Formation: D is for Deconstruct


ABCs of Spiritual Formation: C is for Curiosity