Focustsoul Writings

Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

A Distressing Phone Call and an Invitation to Join

Last week I heard some very disconcerting news on a phone call that sent me into a tailspin. My stomach filled with knots, my chest tightened, and I was feeling intense anxiety. What do you do in those situations? I read the Bible and sat before the Lord but felt no relief. I needed to have another call but had to wait five days. Trusting God in the time between calling out and receiving an answer is the challenge we face. Let's discuss how to get there.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

What happens when we realize how immature we are?

After writing about blessing and cursing, I went and lived a cursing lifestyle. Recognizing that brought shame and discouragement until I saw the recognition as a gift of God's grace. Seeing my shadow allowed me to experience God's love and love those around me through confession and reconciliation. Cursing is a sign of immaturity which can move us toward God who is eagerly waiting like the Prodigal Father.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

Signs of Spiritual Maturity Part 6: Blessing & Cursing

Words have power, and they reflect what is going on in the heart. We can be a blessing or a curse to those around us, and we are contagious. A lifestyle of blessing brings joy. But if we aren't there, what do we do. Recognizing our immaturity through this is a gift and allows us to step into the healing and freedom that Jesus offers.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

A Maturity Test: What Does Jesus Look Like in You?

Jesus was with every kind of person and loved each of them. He reacted differently to different people but love guided all that He did. He did this in part to show us what it looks like to be fully human. Here’s a test to gauge where we are in the process of becoming like Jesus. Take it and then have a conversation with God about it.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

Signs of Spiritual Maturity Part 5: Forgiveness

Another sign that reveals our formation into Christlikeness is our ability to forgive those who hurt us, ourselves, and God. Forgiving may be the most difficult thing we are called to do, but not doing it is too costly. It is the difference between a growing warm heart and a growing cold and bitter heart. We know it but how do we become forgiving people?

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

Signs of Spiritual Maturity Part 4: Responding to Suffering

Another sign that reveals our formation into Christlikeness is how we respond to suffering. Rolheiser notes that suffering deepens the soul. The question is what we become deep in. Some move towards bitterness and others towards love. Christ invites us to follow Him through suffering to love.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

Signs of Spiritual Maturity Part 3: Transforming Responses

When people come at us with anger and bitterness and hatred our response reveals where we are in becoming like Christ. We experience God’s grace regardless, but as we mature we learn to feel, be held in those feelings, and process what we experience in such a way that transformation happens, and we respond in love. No doubt this reveals maturity. Let’s discuss how to get there.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

Signs of Spiritual Maturity Part 2: Complexity & Empathy

Becoming fully mature in Christ is a lifelong process full of mystery and under the sovereignty of God but it does not have to be shrouded in vagueness. We can describe signs of maturity. In this post we look at the process of coming to peace with complexity and how that allows us to empathize with others recognizing we are all in the same boat.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

Signs of Spiritual Maturity Part 1: Gratitude and Joy

Becoming fully mature in Christ is a lifelong process full of mystery and under the sovereignty of God but it does not have to be shrouded in vagueness. We can describe signs of maturity. Two of those are gratitude and joy which is shown in how we enjoy life. This is not simple but nonetheless we can dive into the topic and unearth the treasures that await us.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

New Series: Signs of Maturity in Christ

How do you know if you are mature? What are you or your community doing to grow people to full maturity in Christ. This is what Paul says is his main goal. In this new series we will look at signs of maturity and how we can become mature people without making maturity an idol.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: Z is for Zeal

Z is for Zeal. Growing in Christlikeness means becoming the kind of person who is zealous with knowledge. How do we stay in the tension with God to become both full of zeal but also measured, diligent, and humble. This is the call and the challenge.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: Y is for Yield

Y is for Yield. Yield has two meanings - to give in and harvest - and both are prominent in the Bible. What we yield to determines the kind of harvest we will yield. The fruit we produce is a sign of our growth and maturity or lack thereof. Let it point us to Jesus either way and grow accordingly.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: W is for Wait

W is for Wait. Why is waiting so difficult for humans? We order our lives around not waiting. Patience is a fruit of the Spirit because it marks faith in God’s sovereign goodness. Our growth in patience is a sign of our growing faith, but it comes with interior work and a recognition of God’s grace.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: V is for Victorious

V is for Victorious. Maybe the idea of the victorious Christian life doesn’t sit well with you. The victory we have in Christ is full of nuance and mystery. When God saves the day with a miracle, we experience victory; when God allows suffering and heartache and darkness to reign, and we stay faithful, that is victory as well. The call is to a kingdom view of victory. God is victory so being with him is victorious.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: U is for Unusual

U is for Unusual. In life we can get lost in seeking the new and shiny things. We idolize the unusual without realizing it is an unsatisfying hamster wheel. God is truly unusual and his creation is wonderful. Learning to live in a state of wonder with the “ordinary” and being content with what God provides are signs of growing maturity in Christ.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: T is for Tulip

T is for Tulip. Spiritual formation is about slowing down, enjoying God’s bountiful creation, reflecting on beauty, and learning from experience. The tulip teaches us all of these things.

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: S is for Slow

S is for Slow. Our world is addicted to speed but God is calling us to slow down because deep connection and loving relationships and spiritual intimacy can’t happen when we are in a hurry. We can take a few steps to change this but the first is to consider our metaphors…

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Duke Dillard Duke Dillard

ABCs of Spiritual Formation: R is for Rule

R is for Rule. Everyone has a rule of life whether they are aware of it or not. Living intentionally with awareness in our walk with God and with our neighbors is a choice we can make. What practices move us towards love and how do we get there. Let’s consider these ideas.

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