Our churches need encounters with God more than another lesson about him.


We want our members to connect with God and learn to sit in his presence together. Yet too often, we offer a group study—neat and tidy—designed to be quickly absorbed and quickly applied. This hurried approach isn’t working.

Focustsoul provides the resources + coaching to facilitate change within your leaders and church.

We are pro-church, pro-small-group, and pro-community.


Identity Focused

The Focustsoul teachings are grounded in our identity in Christ. Before we can begin to change, we need to know who we are and whose we are. Join us in the process of becoming people who rest in our identity as loved children of God (Romans 8:16).


Colaborers in Christ

Our mission is to empower churches to engage their members, help activate their faith, and lead them into a deeper understanding of themselves and the Lord. We will work with you to understand the material and help build a framework for implementation within your leadership and church.


Encountering God

Across the board, churches—especially their leaders—are over burdened. Our metric driven church has distracted us from an encounter with Jesus. We firmly believe that Jesus will build his church (Matthew 16:18) and our efforts and posture should align with his…whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light (Matthew 11:30).


Leverage our resources and extensive training.

Our leadership team has decades of experience providing training to churches and missionaries around the world. When you join the Focustsoul community, you’re not only gaining access to material, you’re gaining a partner to guide the process of growth.


Create and customize your church’s unique member pages.

The Focustsoul online community can be branded and stylized to match your individual church. Our platform is designed for you to customize multiple engagement points for members including group studies, church-wide events, and life group cohorts.

…We are becoming a people marked more by listening well to God…

The Focustsoul coaching and facilitation of various spiritual formation practices has not only helped us to experience God together, but has shifted our staff culture in substantial ways. We are becoming a people marked more by listening well to God and others than ever before, and much of that can be traced back to the ways the material has invited us to think and behave. I’m so grateful for the unhurried pace that has helped us all to be able to receive what God might want to say to us about who we are, and where we’re going!

Erin Johnston, Executive Pastor Canyon Ridge Christian Church Las Vegas, Nevada

Over the last few years the Lord has graciously used the friendship and mentorship of Duke Dillard to deepen my fellowship with Jesus Christ. During our time together he has generously shared his life, experience, and knowledge, always eager to give of himself for the benefit of those in his presence. If you are looking for someone to help guide you into a greater understanding of yourself, deepen your fellowship with Christ, and to help you see the depths of God's love for you, I can think of no one better than Duke Dillard.

Brad Welker, Associate Pastor of Adult Ministries The Village Church Denton Denton, Texas

When you build on the Focustsoul platform, you’ll learn how to engage your congregation and the Lord like never before.

Let’s make space to encounter God.