Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question not answered below? Please send us a message.

    • Access to a rich community of fellow sojourners on Mighty Network.

    • Live online spiritual practices, guided by experienced practioners and on-demand access to past guided experiences.

    • The entire FOCUSTSOUL library with new themes being added each month.

    • Access to all the courses and events being offered, including guest speakers.

    • Discounts on retreats and other in-person events.

  • Great, each individual becomes a member, then follow these steps to connect you as a group in Mighty Networks. It’s very easy to build an intentional group of existing friends, or to form a new one by showing up to our live experiences and forming a new group.

    If you have at least 10 people, ask us about special, customized offerings for groups.

  • Of course! This is our page for church leaders to see how we can make a unique space for your church to interact exclusively, or as a hybrid with other folks in FOCUSTSOUL.

    Contact us directly to discuss the best plan for your church.

  • Each person will need a subscription to participate in the FOCUSTSOUL community.

  • At this point, FOCUSTSOUL content is only available in English. If you would like to work with us to translate and/or provide opportunities for other languages, please contact us directly at

  • What a great question. Our culture is filled with get-better, get-healthier, get-rich, get-awesome promises and all of them are microwaved. We offer another approach, a slow simmer approach to change. Unhurrying, being present, paying attention to your interiority, practicing ancient spiritual rhythms are all fermenting approaches to change. We invite you to a slow fermentation of the soul.

  • Our courses will be offered multiple times, so if one you want to take has already started, ask us what is best. Maybe you can join late and then do the lessons you missed when it is offered again or maybe it will be best for you to join the next time it is offered. Regardless, we recommend you join now and start participating in the community and all that is available. We want this to be a collaborative community in which you can join with other members to start your own things as well.

  • Yes. Click here to see upcoming events and offerings.

  • Participating in the live experiences offers you a chance to meet other spiritually hungry people who might be interested in forming a group. Each of our ancient practices will have some interaction with others in that space, and the Mighty Network tool provides multiple chances for forming new relationships.

  • You can cancel at anytime of course. You will still have access until the end of the month in which you cancelled. You will not receive a partial refund. If you’d like to speak to Duke or Dano about your subscription please reach out by email.

  • As mentioned above, if you cancel halfway through the month you will still be charged for the whole month, and you will have access until the end of the month. Note: When we say, “the month”, we mean the day of the month you first subscribed. Thus, if you join on the 12th of the month, you will be charged on the 12th of each month. If you cancel on the 20th, you will still have access until the 12th of the next month.

  • We intentionally kept the price very low so that entrance into our community wouldn’t be a barrier. We encourage you to join and if you are dissatisfied in the first month, you can cancel and have your $15 refunded. Literally, you have nothing to lose and much to gain.