We don’t change by reading the Bible; we change when we encounter God.

Focustsoul is an online community designed to teach people to create space in their lives to encounter God.

Does one of these sound familiar?

You’ve been walking with the Lord for years, but feel like what you’re doing for the Lord isn’t getting you closer to Him.

You’ve committed to another small group or volunteer opportunity yet still feel like you’re not fulfilling your purpose.

You’re a Christian leader and feel isolated despite being surrounded by gifted teams and fellow believers.

We have been doing more in order to find peace. More giving, more volunteering, more reading, yet something still feels off.

All our doing isn’t working.

It’s not about doing more. It’s about doing less.

This is the challenge we all face. We feel like there is a never-ending list of things to do for Christ, yet all the doing is exhausting. Christ calls us to something different.

With Focustsoul, you’ll learn to:

  • Rather than a checklist of priorities, we utilize ancient spiritual practices and exercises to learn how to pause, reflect, and meditate on God’s word and God’s work for an intimate experience of peace.

  • Jesus said that we need to abide in him (John 15:4). But what does that look like in our daily lives? More than a one-time act, abiding is a lifestyle and rhythm of continually yielding and resting in the Lord and his will. It’s an unhurried posture for growth.

  • Most of us have probably heard that we should “listen TO” the Holy Spirit. But what about listening FOR him? The Holy Spirit is active and ready to speak to our hearts. Yet we’re often not in a position to recognize his propmting and follow his lead. Focustsoul will reposition our hearts to be in a posture of listening.

  • Doing is not all bad. In fact, James says that our actions that demonstrate our faith (James 2:26). However, many individuals—and even churches—have an unhealthy relationship with doing. Left unchecked, it can lead to striving, feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. It’s not about the doing. It’s about doing the right thing.

  • God has designed us for community. We believe that true community is a powerful way to experience freedom and growth in the Lord. As we go through our Focustsoul journey, we will need support and encouragement to admit our shortcomings, sharpen our focus, and be spurred on to fight the good fight (1 Timothy 6:12).

When you join Focustsoul, you’ll gain access to:

Ancient practices and experiences to focus on Jesus and his will

Ongoing teachings on how abiding is our best posture for lasting change

Communal exercises designed to guide our conversations

Gain complete access to Focustsoul for $4.17/month (when paid annually).

From the Community



Every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday in 2025

We post a short video to the network giving practical tips, helpful insights, and fruitful practices to help you make space to encounter God in community.

Currently, we have no live events scheduled



To get to someplace new, you can’t go down the same path. Focustsoul is designed to create a new path in your heart and mind in order to allow God to move as he intended.



Use the Focustsoul resources and community platform to foster meaningful change within your congregation. Our resources can be customized to your church’s unique needs.

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Take the Discernment Type Assessment

Focustsoul Writings


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“You must arrange your days so that you are experiencing total contentment, joy, and confidence in your everyday life with God.”

—Dallas Willard

Let’s make space to encounter God.