Are you wondering what to do?

Discerning God’s Will for Daily Life & Big Decisions

Join the Focustsoul Community and get access to our Live 6-Session Discernment Course! There are two course options beginning on February 20th (details below).

This isn’t just about getting direction. It’s about becoming a discerning person.

In this live course you’ll discover:

✓ A Different Rhythm

It’s not just about doing different things but about being a different kind of person. We can think with God when we strengthen our attachment to Him and His people. This involves changing our pace and our mindset. We will practice this together.

✓ Practical Exercises

The Bible describes many discernment practices and over the centuries Christians have developed practical ways to hear God’s voice. As we live into our True Selves in Jesus we can better hear Him speaking to us and through us. We will take practical steps each week to grow our discernment muscles.

✓ Community Support

You won’t be alone on this journey. The course allows you to be in a cohort who will walk with you as you process what you are hearing and experiencing and encourage you as you take steps to obey God’s leading.

Course Dates

Next offering will be announced soon.


Note: If you join Focustsoul, you will have access to recordings of a previous offering and all the materials of the course.

Membership Price only $15.99/month

Get access to the course and the entire Focustsoul Community!

“The Christian tradition has long recognized the importance of decision making. Because our identity is formed in part through our decisions, the making of decisions is actually a privileged moment for growing in discipleship. Through our choices, we can become the person God is calling us to be.”

— Elizabeth Liebert in The Way of Discernment

Become a Focustsoul Member and Get Access

Becoming a Focustsoul Member means access to this Discernment Course as well as all the courses, events, activities, exercises, and like-minded people in the Focustsoul community.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question not answered below? Please send us a message.

  • Yes. You join the Focustsoul Community and get access to the course and everything else.

    You may just want the course and can cancel your membership when it ends or you may want to engage with other features of the community.

    If you cancel once the course ends, it means you paid $31.98 for a live online course which is a great deal.

  • We will be recording the sessions and making them available so missing one session shouldn’t be a problem. Missing more than one session is harder to answer. It may work to listen or, depending on which sessions you miss, it may make it not worth it. You should write us to ask.

    You may want to go ahead and become a member and participate in the community and take this course the next time it is offered.

  • The short answer is no, but if you do, this will be a great opportunity to put your learning into practice.

    However, the course is for both big decisions but also for daily life. We want to become the kind of people who are having an ongoing conversation with God in loving relationship. We want to have secure attachments to God and our loved ones. This course will help with all of these things.

  • Between sessions you will have Bible study lessons to do as well as discernment exercises.

    You should expect to spend 1-2 hours each week between sessions.

  • At this point, FOCUSTSOUL content is only available in English. If you would like to work with us to translate and/or provide opportunities for other languages, please contact us directly at

  • Write us. If it is just one week, you can listen to the recording and join us. If more, you will want to wait until we offer the course again.

  • Write us to ask, check the schedule, and/or get on our mailing list for updates.

    Of course, you can become a member now, join the community, and start making space to encounter God with us.

  • If you cancel halfway through the course you will still be charged for the whole month, and you will have access until the end of the month. Note: When we say, “the month”, we mean the day of the month you first joined. Thus, if you join on the 12th of the month, you will be charged on the 12th of each month. If you cancel on the 20th, you will still have access until the 12th of the next month.

  • Each person will need to become a member to participate in the course.

  • Yes. Write us by hitting the Contact us button to the right above, and we can set up something special for your church.